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lululala childcare

lululala Child Care Services operates licensed Toddler group care for children from 14months-36months in Port Coquitlam.

Early Childhood Grants In British Columbia

There are currently two provisions available to parents that can help with the cost of early learning childcare?


1️⃣Child Care Reduction Initiative (CCFRI)

Parents of children up to Kindergarten age who use licensed childcare providers could see reductions in their fees up to $900per month per child. Their childcare provider must qualify and opt in for the new childcare fee reduction initiative. Inquire with your local cefa about availability. Childcare providers apply for this initiative on behalf of registered parents.

2️⃣The Affordable Child Care Benefit

The Affordable Child Care Benefit is a monthly payment to help eligible families with the cost of childcare. Factors like income, family size, and type of care determine how much support families can get. Families apply for this benefit directly with the provincial government and need to renew their application every year.

Open hours

Mon-Fri 7:30-5:30

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